Corporate Social Responsibility

We strive to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Giving back to Society

Sino Suisse Capital strives to deploy CSR efforts on small scale basis or as part of a broader program by engaging various non-profit organisations in creating CSR programs that are able to benefit the different communities in society. We commit to being socially engaged by providing financial and non-financial resources to support the various communities in need and work towards enhancing our effectiveness in implementing such efforts. Through partnering with various organisations that share a common vision, we strive to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

At Sino Suisse, a core tenet of our beliefs is giving back to community. In partnership with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of National University of Singapore, we have established an endowment fund in perpetuity to support the undergraduates’ field practice in social work in order to reach out to more disadvantaged youths.

News Releases

Read up on the latest insights and press releases.

2024 NUS Donor Appreciation Event

19 September 2024, Sino Suisse is truly honored to participate in this Thursday’s NUS Donor Appreciation Event, celebrating the positive impact of everyone’s generous contributions on the university and its ...
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Sino Suisse Capital Pte Ltd Donates NTD 2 Million to Boost Literacy and Nutrition in Taiwan

Taiwan, April 19, 2023 – In a significant philanthropic gesture, Sino Suisse Capital Pte Ltd has donated NTD 2 million to the Kaohsiung City Reading Association. This donation, made on ...
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Sino Suisse’s Compassionate Contribution to Taiwan’s Train Tragedy Relief Efforts

In the aftermath of the tragic derailment of the Taroko Express Train 408 in Taiwan, which led to the loss of 50 lives and left over 200 injured, the external ...
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We are dedicated to supporting communities in need by providing both financial and non-financial resources, aiming to enhance our effectiveness in these efforts.


A different perspective

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Better investing, better World

Pellentesque sodales posuere tincidunt. Sed vestibulum dui diam, vitae lacinia dolor vehicula ac. Duis vitae lacus at neque euismod molestie sed eu sapien.


Diversity & inclusion

Fusce sollicitudin suscipit est, a sollicitudin quam laoreet ac. Nulla facilisi. Morbi venenatis erat magna, vel laoreet urna pellentesque ut. Vestibulum vel varius velit, eget blandit est. Maecenas id dui urna.